Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let's start with definitions. Erotic, without which there can be no human sexuality, or culture, known as sexual feelings, fantasies and experiences, as well as stimulate their literature, video, audio and other materials.

People brought up in the Puritan spirit, perceive the word "erotic" and "eroticism" as a swear-expression denoting something "animal," vile. In fact, animals are just not aware of eroticism and do not know how to diversify your sexual repertoire. The ability to respond sensibly to the characters and erotic images and consciously create them - the exclusive property rights inherent in it, as evidenced by the history of art from ancient times.

In modern aesthetics has several statutory criteria that distinguish erotic art from pornography:

1) Eroitc or sexy, like any other art holistically, it depicts a man in all the richness of his experiences. Pornography is analytic, it captures the attention to some points of sexuality, pulling them out of the context of life and reducing sexuality to sexual intercourse and its technology.

2) Erotic art is valuable, it explores the human world, it opens up new dimensions. Pornography is strictly functional, it causes sexual excitement, and only.

3) Erotic art is an individual: how to perform, and in the subject he is interested in unique and original. Pornography is dealing with a standard sex, devoid of personal meaning. Its main object - not a personality or even an individual's body and genitals.

4) Erotic art of building their own world under the laws of beauty, sexuality inspires. Pornography, on the contrary, it reduces everything to the physiology.

5) Erotic art often violates ordinary standards of decency, because it opens up new depths of human existence, is not understood and not accepted by the mass consciousness. Pornography operates on standard plates, the violation of social conventions for it - an end in itself, as an unusual form of sexual excite more people, and public scandal guaranteed profit. It not only destroys the bans, as the novelty of playing on the deficit.

6) Erotic art extends the boundaries of human freedom, humanistic and morally. Pornography denies morality, humble man, makes him the object of manipulation. It reinforces the traditional ideology of male dominance (sexism), and is one of the ways of sexual exploitation of women and children.

7) Erotic art - primarily a means of free expression of the artist. Pornography - is commerce, manufacturing, aimed at making a profit. This is related to its mass, standardization, and other features. This is not an art form, as part of the entertainment industry.

But no matter how important are these differences, they exist only within a particular culture, and only for a person standing at a certain stage of development. The Roman Emperor Augustus in his time exiled Ovid in "The Art of Love" and "Breakfast on the Grass" Manet seemed to many of his contemporaries is absolutely obscene and immoral (nude woman among men dressed). It is not only in the form of images and the degree of openness, but also in the content of erotic imagery. Different cultures and different individuals differently perceive and assess the same images. The problem here is not so much in the aesthetics, but in the sexual predilections. One person not confused neither nudity nor realistic portrayal of sexual intercourse, and the other turns red when he sees Tees leotard ballet dancer (just because this stretch of his worries.) Heterosexual men excite lesbian scenes and shocking images of male homosexuality, lesbians are disgusting and offensive images of sexual intercourse, etc.

In popular culture and commercial acceptability of the erotic boundaries more blurred. The popular American textbook of erotic sexuality defines as "sexually-oriented material that is acceptable to the audience," and pornography - as "sexually-oriented material that is unacceptable to the viewer."

In any modern society, there is more or less well-developed sex industry. For example, Americans spend each year on the erotica (videos and erotic films, television programs, books, magazines, technology) from 4 to 6 billion dollars. From mass production can not expect high aesthetic qualities. Commercial erotica is not intended to be neither a textbook of life, no school of love, it is usually primitive, vulgar, and physiological. However, its use is widespread in sex shops and go pornoteatry not potential criminals and sex maniacs, and the normal educated people, and men do it in 2.5 - 3 times more often than women. In contrast, among the fiercest fighters against pornography disproportionate amount of people with dysfunctional or inhibited sexual life, which do not receive sexual gratification, or can not make their own erotic desires. "The protection of morality" allows them to discuss and "airing" their own psychosexual complexes and at the same time - to feel superior to others.

Eroticism in life, art and poetry - in a man instinct of life, but ennobled as the attraction of souls. Sensuality is the ability to transmit sexual emotions. Most erotic show with visual arts and films.

The behavior of the people depicted in the erotic film may be related to this feeling of love, and with a simple sexual desire. Unlike pornography, erotica does not emphasize the graphic details of sexual traits and sexual intercourse. There is a frequent element of the incompleteness of what is happening - the end of the depicted love foreplay, its details will be food for the imagination of the observer. However, often erotic imagination teases more than pornography.

In our time, to find a porn movies or erotic movies - no problem. For this purpose there are special shops as well as more than just a way - online. It is known that the erotic and porn industry is one of the most popular Internet searches. Develop a person's thoughts, and now Internet users satisfy all your fantasies.

In general, what is pornography and erotica, everyone understands the extent of his own depravity. And this is not necessarily at the level of individual people and whole nations. For example, today in Europe and the U.S. pornography is only a demonstration of direct penetration or oral sex, as in Japan - the image of the genitals.

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